Vintage Typewriter Repair in Berkeley, CA

A Gift From Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is known to be an avid collector of typewriters and has even released an app called “Hanx Writer” which allows users to type on virtual typewriters. He has been collecting typewriters for over 30 years and has a collection that includes over 200 machines. Hanks has spoken about his love for typewriters, saying they have a unique charm and character that can’t be replicated by modern technology. He also enjoys the tactile experience of typing on a typewriter and the sound it makes. Some of his favorite typewriters include the 1934 Smith Corona, the 1940 Underwood Champion, and the 1961 Olympia SM3.

Tom Hanks recently gifted Berkeley Typewriter one of his treasured typewriter from his collection. We are grateful for the gesture and appreciate the kindness and generosity from such a renowned actor and person. You can view this gift on display in our shop, located in Berkeley, CA.

Vintage Typewriter Repair in Berkeley, CA

Looking to breathe new life into your vintage typewriter in Berkeley, CA? Trust the professionals who have been doing it for decades: Berkeley Typewriter. When it comes to repairs, service and refurbishing, there’s no one better in the area!

At Berkeley Typewriter, we take pride in giving each typewriter in our possession the unique care and attention it needs to work fluidly again. From slide repair to a complete overhaul of its mechanics, we’ll get your antique typewriter in Berkeley, CA functioning to its fullest again in no time at all.

All of the work done by our team carries a 1-year warranty, so you can be sure you’re getting exactly the level of service you would expect from the area’s premier professionals! We have experience in dealing with the following name brands:
room typewriters

  • Remington
  • Royal
  • Underwood
  • Olivetti
  • Hermes
  • IBM
  • Olympia
  • L.C. Smith
  • SCM



Buy Refurbished Typewriters

room typewritersIf you’re intrigued by owning a classic typewriter and are thinking about buying one for yourself, we encourage you to stop by and take a look at our inventory today! We take pride in restoring long-forgotten typewriters and work to bring them back to the high standards they once enjoyed. Our inventory is full of beautiful models that have been brought back to life, and are fully functional, ready for you to use at home.

In addition, we sell ribbon and ink so you can get the most out of your new typewriter. Whether you’re buying it for decorative novelty or you plan on typing out the next great American novel with yours, make sure you’re buying it from us.


Rental Options

Not in the market to buy a typewriter, but still want to take advantage of the allure and decorative effects that a vintage typewriter in Berkeley, CA can offer? We also rent out our units for special occasions and events. There’s nothing quite so powerful as a vintage typewriter on display at a wedding, gala or prestigious event.


Printer Service

typewritersOur expertise for typewriters also extends to modern printers as well! If you’ve got a printer that’s giving you grief and need someone to service it back to full-functional capacity, get in touch with us today. We’re happy to evaluate the problem and can provide swift, expert service to your unit.

For more information about the services or products we’re proud to offer, get in touch with us today by calling 510-843-2326.